Link Dump 0012

Comedy and the Internet
- 20 Hubble Deep Space Images (images).
- Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference (clip).
- Awesome websites to waste time with (link collection).
- Best thing you will see all week (clip).
- Do It Today (image).
- Economics (image).
- How to deal with a Jewish-Mexian vampire (clip).
- Is Your State's Highest-Paid Employee A Coach? (article).
- Mexican Standoff ft. Key & Peele (video).
- Why Weddings Are a Total Rip-Off (video).

Electronics and Tech
- A Hybrid Hydrostatic Transmission and Human Safe Haptic Telepresence Robot (video).
- Air Conditioning Anywhere (unbox video).
- Fitbit Charge 2 (product page).
- Multi-process Firefox brings 400-700% improvement in responsiveness (article).
- Now you can buy a USB stick that destroys anything in its path (article).
- Sony Professional Headphones (product page).
- Tobii + Alienware - eye tracking on a laptop (product page).
- VIVE - a virtual reality headset by HTC (product page).

- The Martian (video).

- Taler.ner - an electronic payments for a liberal society GNU (product).

Health & Fitness
- Dr. Kevin Hall declares the insulin hypothesis of obesity "falsified" (video).
- First new antibiotic in 30 years discovered in major breakthrough (article). 
- Longevity & Why I now eat One Meal a Day (video).

Popular Science
- 17 Equations That Changed the World (image).
- Scientists find 3.7 billion-year-old fossil, oldest yet (article).
- Super Human Endurance Against High Electrical Current (video).
- This Much Will Kill You (video).
- The Best and Worst Prediction in Science (video).
- Why You Don't Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day (video).

- Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne at AAI 2009 (video).

- Atom - a Hackable text editor for the 21st Century (software).
- Electron API, build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (Framework)
- Intro to C/C++ Programming Structures, Unions, and Enumerated Types (article).
- Java Programming (video).
- Learn Node.js (course).
- Mapping an unsigned int to a bit field struct (forum).
- Official Big-O Cheat Sheet Poster (product).
- Quill 1.0 a open-source easy to use editor for content creation across the web (software).
- React (article)
- Reading from a  file into a Struct (forum post).
- Structures, unions, enumerations, and bitfields in C and C++ (article).
- Writing Quick Code in C++, Quickly by Andrei Alexandrescu (video)

Simple Life
- Tiny houses for those who want to live a little... (images).

The Climate Change Stuff
- A scientist's plan to hack the climate (video).
- Brian Cox Baffled by Ignorance of Climate Change Denier (video).
- Skeptic Arguments and What the Science Says (website).
- The 97 Percent Solution, article by Ian Tuttle.
- These are the best arguments from the 3% of climate scientist 'skeptics.' Really, by Dana Nuccitelli (article).

Published: Sep 8, 2016

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