Lenovo ThinkPad X230 Tablet - Assign Correct Touch Screen

Method 1

Gear: Lenovo ThinkPad X230T, X230T Accessories Listother tablets.

When you begin doing the whole X230T + dock + Cooler Master Notepal Ergostand + external display, you will encounter a problem. The touch is assigned to the wrong screen. When you touch the X230T's screen it will interact with the external display.

The wrong behavior has been set by default, and you may think is fun for a while, but then it becomes annoying. You must correct this bad behavior if you are to have any fun with the X230T.

How to assign the correct touch screen:
  • Press Win Key and type "tablet".
  • Open the option that says "Tablet PC Settings".
  • Under the Configure section you will find a "Setup" button, click it.
  • Select the "Touch input" option.
  • Touch the X230T screen once, press the Enter key, and press the Enter key again.

That should assign the proper screen affected by the finger touch input. If for some reason your X230T's pen input is the one interacting with the external display, rerun the wizard but now use the "Pen input" option. That should fix it up. Enjoy!

Method 2

This second method is more efficient than the first one.  Hit the Win key and type "Pen Tablet Properties", go to the Calibrate tab, and  select the proper Monitor for the touch.

Published: May 4, 2013

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